In The Seaforth River
In The Seaforth River
I stopped at this small stream to get a drink of water and after that walking into the Seaforth River. I waded in knee-deep and enjoyed the sunshine. Even though that may not sound like much, in a setting like Fiordlands on such a beautiful day, it is a big thing. Will and Cheri walked by when I was in the water and got my picture. There is a picture that was taken before walking into the river and causing ripples. In that picture, the stream is clear and smooth as can be.

Hey, if nothing else I got to clean off my gaiters (the things around my calves), but they'll be muddy again in a few minutes! In some areas, gaiters are used for keeping dry but Fiordlands is so wet that this is not possible. The most important reason for gaiters is to keep the mud out of the tops of your boots. I've been in muddy areas without gaiters and every half-hour I had to take off my boots and wash them out. On the Dusky, you will get wet feet on the first day and they will stay wet for the entire track. To try to keep your boots dry is actually dangerous. It means you are trying to cross a stream by hopping across wet rocks where it's easy to slip and other such foolishness. Just get your boots wet and be done with it.