Relaxing Along The Spey River
Relaxing Along The Spey River
This was taken an hour or two before the end of the track. By this time, I knew that the end of the track was drawing near and there is a good chance that I was thinking at this moment, "I should have spent another week here...D'oh!" Well, time to sit and relax for a bit. The Spey River was my companion for two days and was always pleasant.

I'm actually sitting on an island of rocks as the river splits and also goes off the right side of the picture. There was only a gentle rippling sound from the river and while it was an overcast day, it was a comfortable day from tramping. One thing I like about this picture is just look how luxuriant the vegetation is. What a riot of living things! It seems that no matter where one goes in Fiordlands, there is green everywhere. It's possible to tell that I've been tramping for some days in this picture. How can you tell? Look at how long my shirt is. Shirts often get stretched when they have a backpack pushing down on them all day long. Just a small observation.