Gair Loch
Gair Loch Panorama

Looking north over Gair Loch.  The picture wraps around kind of funny  in that the valley on the right is looking south, where the track came from.  You're looking north over the loch and the valley on the left is where the track goes.

It's extremely wet for the next half-kilometer along the loch and then turns into merely pretty wet as it follows the Seaforth River.  Notice all the waterfalls in the picture.  It had been raining minutes earlier and the water coming down from the mountains all over was nice.

The track continues along side the left side of the valley.  If you count the 'knobs' starting at the very left, look between the third and fourth 'knob' in the picture, at the base of this valley is where you will  find the Kintail Hut.  Centre Pass is hidden behind the mountain with the sun shining on it.